Architecture of smart Grid


In order to describe the architecture of smart grid Communication networks. the Smart grid network  Can be Categorised into several logical Components based on their Coverage, such as Home Area network local area Network, Neighbourhood Area Network, wide Area Network, and Access Network.


smart grid architecture have been seven parts of sections"


1.Bulk Generation

2. Transmission                                                

3. Distribution


5. Market


7.Service Provider



Bulk Generation Domain

Electricity generation is the process of Creating electricity from other forms of energy, which may vary from Chemical Combustion to nuclear fission flowing water, wind Solar, radiation and geothermal heat.

The boundary of the Bulk Generation domain is typically the Transmission domain.the Bulk Generation domain is electrically connected to the Transmission domain and shares inter faces with the operations Markets and Transmission domain.

New requirements for the Bulk Generation domain include green house gas emissions Controls Increases in renewable energy sources, and provision of storage to marriage the variability of renewable generations.

Transmission Domain

Transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical power from generation sources to distribution through multiple Substations.

A transmission network is typically operated by a Regional Transmission operator or independent System operator (RTO/130) whose Primary responsibility is to maintain stability on the


electric grid by balancing generation (supply) with load (demand) across the transmission network.

Energy and supporting ancillary services are Procured through the market domain, scheduled and operated from the operations domain, and finally delivered through the distribution system and finally to the Customer domain.


Distribution Domain

The distribution domain is the electrical inter section between transmission domain, the Customer domain and the metering points for Consumption, distributed storage, and distributed generation.

The electrical distribution system may be arranged in a variety of structures, including radial, looped on meshed .

In the Smart Grid, the Distribution, domain will Communicate more Closely with the operations domain in real-time to manage the power flows associated with a more dynamic markets domain and other environmental and Security based factors.

Customer Domain

This in the domain where electricity is Consumed.

The boundaries of the Customer domain are typically Considered to be the utility meter and the Energy Services interface (ESI). The Esi provides a Secure Interface for Utility to- Consumer interactions

The Customer domain is usually segmented into sub-domains for home, Commercial / building, and industrial.

Market Domain

•The markets are where grid asset are bought and sold.

• Boundaries: the edge  of the operation domain where control happens, the domains supplying assets and the customer domain.

. The high priority challenges in the market domain are

 Extension of price and DER signals to each of the customer sub expanding the capabilities of aggregators

operation Domain

Actors in the operations domain are responsible for the smooth operation of the power system.

Service Provider

Perform services to support the business process of power system producers, distributors and customers .

These business processes range from traditional utility services, such as billing and Customer account management, to enhanced Customer services, such as management of energy use and home energy generation.